Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17 – “Let them minister”


We had a scare yesterday.  I was working in the backyard.  Chris has just washed and dried Mom's hair and was curling it when Mom's head slumped forward.  Chris talked to her, but she didn't respond right away.  Then her arms and legs started jerking around.  It just lasted a few seconds.  Then her head slumped again.  Chris talked to her again, and she looked up at her and smiled and said, "I sure am tired.  I think I'll go take a nap."  Chris told her to stay put for a second and came outside to get me.  I helped Mom back to her bed, and Chris called the doctor's office.  That happened around noon.  The doctor didn't call back until after 4:00, and then only because Chris called them again.  She spoke with the nurse practitioner and Mom has an appointment for 3:00 today.  Oh, and when she finally woke up and started moving around again, she seemed to be feeling much better, except for some times of confusion.


After I helped Mom to bed I returned to the yard and started praying for her.  And somewhere between ripping up some evil weeds and trimming up a Brazilian pepper tree, I got a sudden sense of an answer.  But I don't really understand it yet.  The undeniable thought that continued returning to my mind was this: "Let them minister."  I mentioned it to Chris and she asked the very thing I had been thinking since I first thought it: "So who's 'they'?"  Good question.  But whoever you are out there, get started ministering and I am prepared to let you.


I woke up with another song in my head this morning.  Just thought I'd share it with you so I won't be the only one.  Ready?  "Pop goes the weasel."  Now who wakes up singing that song who's not four or five years old?  That would be me.  Good morning all.


Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."


Father, touch my Mom today.  Keep her safely in your hands.  Amen.

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