Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13 – “Love on the soccer field”


I had a meeting yesterday at the San Luis hotel. It was with a couple I have agreed to perform a wedding ceremony for in June.  Actually it was just with the groom.  The bride had more important things to do.  She was setting up her hair style appointment for the day of the wedding.  And as it turned out, all he wanted to do was give me some money for doing the ceremony.  And I haven't done it yet.  He just wanted to have everything done and out of the way so all he would have to do on the day of the wedding is say "I do."  Romantic guy.  I really liked him.


Actually their story did have a little bit of romance to it.  They dated for three years back in the 1990's.  They broke up and went their separate ways.  Both got married and had kids.  The story muddies a bit then.  I'm not sure if they got divorced and then this happened or if this happened while they were still married to someone else.  Either way would make for a typical Hollywood screenplay.  But they each went to their respective child's soccer game and, lo and behold, there was the old flame.  Their kids were on the same team.  It couldn't be coincidence, right?  They were "fated" to be together.  After getting back together and catching up on old times, they decided to do what they "should have done back so many years ago."  I'm sure I saw this movie years ago.  Yes, girls, it's all a true story.  Wipe your tears, your makeup is running.


The wedding will be on one of the rock groins out on the beach.  Not one with paving on top, either.  Any guests who dare to venture closer for this one will have to watch their step.  And I hope the wave action isn't too great or everybody will get wet.  At least they said I didn't have to wear my suit.  Ah, love.


Proverbs 3:9-10 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."


Father, invade the life of this couple and their children so they will have more than a fairy tale on which to build a life together.  Amen.

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