Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7 – “Agency Field Report”


Super bowl Sunday.  It began quietly enough.  Phone call at 7:18 a.m.  The cruise ship is in port.  Passenger disembarkation to occur around 8:05.  Arrived at the terminal at 8:08, just as our operatives were exiting.  They hurriedly made their way to the vehicle, and within moments we were on our way.  Back at home base they transferred luggage and equipment to two separate vehicles and departed again for parts north. 


As they departed local operatives arrived to relocate junior field agent C.V.  She has been assigned 12 hour mentorship duty at home base, and had joined the senior agents on a field assignment to mentor the youngest agent currently on active agency status. 


Following a grand general gathering of foreign operatives remembering their common original home and honoring their physically absent leader, the three aforementioned agents spent the afternoon preparing for their next assignment in several ways.  One studied techniques of infiltration and execution through visual media code named "Red."  Another disappeared for several hours, presumably "resting," though her absence would neither be confirmed nor denied.  The final agent was obviously on active duty preparing the operation site for the arrival of numerous foreign dignitaries and suspected operatives.


The purpose of the evening gathering?  The cover story was to study detailed film of two opposing agencies engaged in simultaneous covert and not-so-covert activities.  The stated plan was to predict, observe, and comment on behavior of the groups as they acted.  The underlying, and certainly more important operation involved the evaluation of subliminal recruitment techniques being test marketed by world class powers.  Who is now most to be feared?  Indeed.


OK.  I picked up our friends at the cruise terminal this morning, and they left right away to return to their homes in Arkansas and Kansas.  When they left Nathan and April got here to pick up Cailyn.  She met us over at Kel and Christina's last night where we were babysitting Josiah, and she spent the night with us.  After church I watched the movie "Red," Mom took a nap, and Chris cooked the taco soup for our SOUPer bowl commercial party tonight.  Now really.  Didn't it sound way more exciting the other way?


Psalms 139:17-18 says, "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them!  Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.  When I awake, I am still with you."


Father, I don't know if I could hold one of your thoughts on my own.  Way too vast.  Amen.

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