Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3 – “Winter weather bulletin”


Winter weather alert in Tropical Island Paradise, Galveston, Texas.  Two nights in a row below freezing.  Much of the day below freezing. 


Chris texted each of our children yesterday to see how they were faring in this cold wave that has gripped the area (and the country, too, according to the news media).  Josh called back from his car.  No, he wasn't on his way to work or doing some kind of creative ministry to the homeless of San Antonio.  He and Christi and Zak and Caleb had a picnic in their car for breakfast.  Doesn't that sound sweet?  Cute little family making precious memories with their preschoolers.  Actually the reason they were in the car was because they had no electricity in their house.  Hence – no heat.  She tried to get them to come over here, but they decided to spend the day at their church instead.


Nathan was at work on the open cab fire truck Tuesday night.  Yes, that means when they made a call – and they did have some calls – they had to ride with their hair blowing in the wind so to speak.  He was off Wednesday, though.  April said she and Cailyn were snug under the covers, but Nathan had just come home from work and he looked pretty frozen.  April had a roast in the crockpot, so they brought it over for lunch, and Chris made a bucketful of rice to go with it.  She has to make two or three cups when Nathan is going to be around.  He love sthe stuff.


Kel and Christina's pipes froze.  At least the one that supplies water to the house did.  He grabbed Christina's hair dryer and shot it for awhile, and the water finally came back on inside.  They thought all was well, but when they went to take a shower there was no water coming out there.  Every other spigot in the house worked except that one – even the sink in the same bathroom worked.  Christina and the boys came over for the afternoon for the boys to play and so she could get a shower.  Kel was afraid to leave the ornery shower by itself.  I went over to check on him.  When I pulled into their driveway I heard the sound of water rushing, and I knew it wasn't some melodious natural waterfall nearby.  My first thought was a leak in the truck, but that proved not to be.  Then I assumed it was coming from somewhere under the house.  Their house is built on pier and beams, so all the pipes run under the house, but above ground – dangerously exposed to the elements.  Thankfully I saw nothing of concern there either.  Finally I followed the sound to the neighbor's house.  Sure enough, their front faucet was spewing water at full blast.  The neighbors weren't at home, but there was an air conditioning/heating company truck outside.  I couldn't see how that would have anything to do with the spewing spigot, though.  Kel finally went over and turned it down to a trickle.  At least the water would still be flowing and fighting against the freezing conditions.  Kel finally came over to our house for a shower himself after we wrapped his front pipe.


Seaside Christian Academy as well as most of the schools in Galveston have already been called off for Friday.  It's supposed to be icy all Thursday night and then snow on Friday.  We'll see about the snow, but I sure don't want to mess with ice. 


Job 37:5-6 says, "God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.  He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'"


Father, thank you for the cold weather.  If nothing else it makes me so appreciate the warmth we usually have here in Galveston – and the warmth we always have in your arms.  Amen.

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