Saturday, April 22, 2023

April 22 - “VanHorn”

Chris had to go in to the lab at the hospital yesterday. Because of her surgery on Monday and the presence of “symptoms” in her life (hey! Are they talking about me?), she had to go in for a (shhhh. Whisper here - that’s what the girl did who checked her in) Covid Test. She almost didn’t get in, though. They came out and called our name … “VanHorn.”  How do you get VanHorn out of Vaughan? Oh, well. I guess he gave it the old, “I haven’t been to college” try. 

When she got home, the call came about the surgery. We have to be in League City really early Monday morning. Like before 7 early. Hope that means they take her back fairly quickly. Of course that whole scenario is still pending the results of the Covid test. Positive would mean postponement. Could be as little as a week or as long as 90 days, which is too long - their words, not mine.  We didn’t hear anything last night, so they must have chosen to do the long version of the test. 

Thought I’d get to watch the Astros game last night. Nope. Apple TV picked up the game, so rather than pay that extra fee, we just followed the game on my phone app. It was a fun game, too. Especially good when the good guys came from behind to win. 

1 Chronicles‬ ‭16‬‬:‭34 says, Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Father, please work it out so Chris’ test is negative, so they can do the surgery Monday. It would be great to get that behind us. Amen. 

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