Friday, April 21, 2023

April 21 - “it that shall not be name”

I kinda expected to have some trouble with the cough the comes along with the CO Bid  (Remember…COld that BIDes it’s time, not to be confused with “it that shall not be named”). After I slept really well our first night back, though, I thought maybe it would leave me alone. Well, I guess I was just too tired to remember it. That second night was tough. I even got up and moved to the recliner so Chris could sleep. The cough finally  settled down. 

But then I was wide awake. At 11, my body was convinced it was still 6 (Hawaii time).  I worked crossword puzzles, read some in my book on Hawaiian myths, and started a to do list. I even had a bout with that dreaded airplane malady, restless leg syndrome. I finally got up and took a stroll around the house. After a long while, I managed to convince myself that it was at least time for an afternoon nap. That was around two. I dozed off and on until five, when I just gave up and got up. Man. Welcome home. But at least I had some great memories to ponder … 

And speaking of the dreaded “it that shall not be named,” we found out that because Chris  had been out of Texas, has been on an airplane, has been on a cruise ship, and has shown symptoms (cough,stuffy nose, etc.), she now has to have a … whisper here … Covid test before they will do her surgery on Monday. Ain’t that just grand? That little extra step takes place this morning in the midst of the thunderstorms. 

I spent about an hour on the phone yesterday. Diane told us we should try to get a refund for our baggage fees coming home. Went through United first. The guy’s accent made him quite difficult to understand, but he eventually sent me over to Delta anyway. Delta almost immediately transferred me to their texting department. An agent named May looked into it for  me, and she  came up with the same interpretation I had. Each flight had a separate charge. Took an hour or so to figure it out,  but I guess we are all squared away now. 

We made our Walmart/Randall’s run to pick up prescriptions and replenish our meager pantry. Kinda wore Chris out, though. She came home and took a nap. Meanwhile, I tried to download the pictures from my phone to the computer. Worked fine for a while.  Then it told me the device was no longer connected. Hmm. News to me. The phone was still plugged in, still being charged with power from the computer. But nothing worked. I finally tried the old faithful, turn it off and back on. That worked for a while, then kicked me off again. It may take me a week to get those pictures downloaded. 

Psalms‬ ‭8‬‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ says, When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

Father, I could do with this COBid head pressure biding its time elsewhere. Please? Amen. 

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