Friday, October 28, 2022

October 28 - “BLMT and some wigglin’ bones”

We had an out-of-state visitor yesterday. Our friend Dana from Seaside days gone by returned to the Island from South Carolina for a visit. Actually, she was visiting another friend up in Kingwood, and we just happened to be close enough for her to stop by for lunch. So glad she did.


We went to the Sunflower Bakery. It has been a long time since we have been there.  In fact, I didn’t remember going there at all.  It is in a part of town that is really low on places to park, so we had to circle the block to find a spot.  Once inside, we grabbed a menu and made our selections.  Dana had a salad.  Chris had a chicken salad sandwich.  I ordered a BLMT sandwich. I got confused when I told the waiter what I wanted, so I just listed all the letters I could think of at the time.  He returned with a Bacon, Lettuce, Mozzarella, and Tomato sandwich. BLMT. Good stuff.


After lunch we drove around a little bit to see some of the changes around Galveston.  We even managed to connect with another old friend who lives in the East End now.  Dana and Traci made plans to touch base later in the day.  As always, it was great to catch up. Wish we could have seen Alex as well.


Last night was home group once again.  We did have an unexpected highlight this week.  I pushed the button to play Sam’s favorite song of all time, Dese Bones Gonna Rise Again.  It always encourages me to do a little bit of a jig, and last night was no exception.  But, as exciting as that was in itself, my performance paled in comparison to what was happening on the other side of the room. Sam had joined in the dance mania and was absolutely rocking out with the music, swing her arms around and wiggling her hips just like the skeletons on the video.  Made me proud. 


Matthew 10:16 says, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”


Father, please be with Dana while she continues her Texas trip.  Keep her safe.  And thank you for giving Sam the energy to do a little dancing last night.  Please give her – and us - many more of that kind of moment.  Amen.

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