Tuesday, October 25, 2022

October 24 - “The great escape”

We had a bit of a scare yesterday.  I woke up at 5:30 or so (actually a little earlier).  I got my fruit together and made me a cup of coffee. All seemed to be going pretty much as usual.  As I sat down to work on my blog, it hit me that Freddy wasn’t sitting in her rocking chair - her usual spot in the mornings. I remembered opening the door to “her room,” and the fact that she didn’t come out right then was not that unusual.  Sometimes she is outside.  But it had been a while, and still no appearance.  So I started looking.


I walked through every room in the house.  I went outside into the back yard and walked all around out there.  I went up on the deck to see if she was asleep in one of the chairs there.  All I succeeded in doing was waking up the neighbor’s big dog, which started barking.  Finally I went back inside and opened the door to our bedroom.  Chris was just waking up, so I informed her of the dilemma.  She was out of bed in a flash to join me in the search. 


We combined forces to revisit all the places I had already been. The only possibility left was that she had somehow gotten out of the backyard and into the vast, wide-open spaces of freedom.  We decided to at least walk around the block and see if she showed up.  Chris started one way.  I went the other. Almost immediately I met one of our neighbors who walks in the dark, very early every morning.  She assured me she would keep her eyes open. As she ran into Chris further down the block, she encouraged her with, “You know, I didn’t want to tell your husband, but we have seen several coyotes on our walks.  But not this morning, though.”  Thanks.  I’m sure that calmed Chris’ fears. Coyotes have been seen all too often in our neighborhood.


But back to my part of the story.  As we finished our brief chat, I heard a do whining.  Could it be?  It took me a few seconds to home in on the sound’s origin.  Our next door neighbor’s porch.  Another few seconds for my eyes to focus in the darkness.  Yes!  There she was, wiggling back and forth in recognition as if to say, “Come get me.” 


I called out to her, but quietly, since it was not yet 7 a.m.  She wiggled even more, but still didn’t come.  Now, our neighbor has a handicap ramp leading to that porch.  And of course, to meet ADA requirements, it spreads clear into their backyard to get the slope right.  I made my way around to the beginning of the ramp.  Yep.  There was Freddy at the top, just a-wiggling.  But she wouldn’t take more than a few steps toward me before returning to the porch.  Strange.


I finally decided that she must be afraid to come down the ramp.  As quietly as I could, I went up and got her and brought her home in my arms. I also told her that she needed to be careful. I reminded her that the last time she was out running around before she came to live with us, “somebody” hit her with a car. Best we can tell, the kids must not have pulled the gate completely shut and she managed to squeeze through the small crack. And once through, she couldn’t get back in.


I know there is an abundance of spiritual applications there.  The dangers of leaving the protection God offers.  Once you have succumbed to evil, returning to God is sometimes not that easy a thing to do.  True freedom is living life within the confines of God’s provision.  The list goes on and on.  Good thing I’m retired now.  Seaside would have had an earful come Sunday.


Last night we had supper with our Arlington friends, the Sprays, at Shrimp n Stuff. Really enjoyed catching up with them. We were going to see if the Cordray’s Ice Cream Shop was open, but we ran out of time.  Great folks. 


Isaiah 54:10 says, Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”


Father, thank you for the spiritual lessons Freddy reminded me of through her little escape act. Thanks for keeping her safe from the coyotes. Amen.

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