Tuesday, October 18, 2022

October 18 - “The Great Toe Blood Pressure Taking”

No rest for the travel-weary. We had to be at a doctor’s appointment at 7:45.  That’s A.M., but we’re used to getting up early now. Hey. We don’t even know what time zone we’re in yet.


I got right in for the test. It was a vascular imaging thing to see if I have correct blood flow to my feet. Apparently a blood clot in the hip could cause the pain I’m having there, but it would also restrict blood flow to the feet. The test was kind of odd, to be honest.  They had me lie down so they could take my blood pressure in both arms and at both ankles.  OK so far.  That was what I expected.  Then they pulled a fast one that almost had me laughing out loud.  They wrapped tiny little blood pressure cuffs around each of my big toes.  How about that?  Great Toe Blood Pressure Taking.  That was a new one on me.


Results were all good. I have some calcification in the veins, but all in all, it all looks good. So now we move on to the next possibility. Next week I go to the doc who does the shots into the joints. Ouch.


Last night around 12:30 a.m. we were awakened by the horrendous noise being generated by the air conditioner.  It was like the power was being turned on and off very quickly.  And the clock by the bedside was flashing on and off in time with the surging.  I expected the whole house to take off into outer space any minute.  We got up and turned off the air conditioner.  It didn’t matter.  It kept surging on and almost off, on and almost off. That weirded us out.  Chris poked her head outside, and sure enough one of the transformers down the street was glowing in an electrical frenzy.  And when that fire finally went out, so did the power in our house.  I called in the outage.  We went on back to bed, this time with a window open to take advantage of the cool breeze.  About an hour and a half later, the power was restored, and all was well.  Took me a long time to get back to sleep, though.  And I was up and at ‘em by 5:30 this morning. Hey.  Can’t waste those precious morning hours.


Proverbs 1:7 says, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”


Father, thank you for the power workers who came out last night and fixed whatever issue we were having.  Bless them with a good sleep when they get a chance.  Amen.


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