Saturday, October 22, 2022

October 22 - “Turnabout is fair play”

I tried to get back into the flow of things a little bit yesterday. I did take my day off walking. Instead, I stayed at my desk and made lists. The proverbial to-do list is back in my life. Not that I particularly want to “to-do” anything on there, but at least the list is complete. That’s a finished task, right? 


In the early afternoon we met up with Kel and Christina and all their crew (Jachin was home for the weekend) at the Rosenberg Library. The library was doing a presentation about the 1900 storm. There is a new exhibit up on the library’s fourth floor about the storm. It’s always good to check up on what people are saying about our tropical island paradise.


From the library we stopped off at the funeral home. I know.  Not your usual Friday afternoon jaunt.  But this time we went by to pick up some New Testaments. The proprietors of the establishment are some Gideon friends of ours, and they gave us a few hundred New Testaments to give away on Halloween.  Thanks, Rusty and Mike.


On the way home we stopped at Randall’s to get some stamps and a roast for Sunday lunch. Being me, I had to go to the bathroom first, so we stopped off there.  It took Chris a long time to come out, and I was about to go in after her when she finally appeared.  Seems she had one of her spells and cut her arm when she leaned into a door for support.  She looked a bit peaked (is that really a word, and how do you pronounce it?), but insisted she was fine. I drove home.  The funny thing was, apparently someone saw us there and called Nathan to ask why his Mom looked so pale at Randall’s.  Hey.  We used to tell them all the time when they were kids that we had eyes everywhere. Guess turnabout is fair play …


Last night we journeyed up to Texas to watch the LaMarque Vaughan kids in their MMA sparring night.  That’s where they spend 45 seconds wailing on an opponent and get scores for their team.  They all did a great job. I even saw Micah do some kind of reverse, spinning, jump-kick to the head king of move.  Not sure what it was called, but it got him three points.


1 John 4:11 says, Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.


Father, thank you that there are eyes and ears that care enough to follow us around wherever we go.  Amen.

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