Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 23 – “Well, that’s cool”

We had quite a day yesterday.  The big news was that our brand new air conditioner compressor unit was delivered and installed.  And just in time, too.  Temperatures are expected to be in the eighties all week.  And tropical island paradise summer is just around the corner.  It was fascinating to follow the guy around the house and see how cold the air actually was that was coming out of the vents.  Fifty degrees coming out.  Nice.  I was worried for a while about what they would do with the old unit.  But I didn’t have to fret.  Before the installers even left, the scrap metal guy they called drove up.  He just happened to be nearby on his way home, so he decided to swing on by and do the pickup.  The small amount of grass on my front lawn appreciates your decision. 

Meanwhile, while the unit was being installed, Chris attacked yet another flower bed, this one in the front yard.  She is really getting things into shape outside.  The Mother’s Day lilies are doing well.  Those are commonly referred to as Easter lilies, but they rarely bloom before Mother’s Day, so we are simply realists in that regard. 

I spent the time working on a project I have been putting off.  The garage.  Honestly, it was one of those classic garage remodels.  You know the kind I mean.  Take everything out.  Put everything back.  But at least I managed to sweep out the top layer of dirt and leaves.  And I cleaned off my workbench tops.  Well … mostly. 

Oh, and I had a great idea.  Finally air up the tires on our bicycles so we can do a round or two in the evenings.  But … I blew them up.  Yep.  Totally exploded both tires on Chris’ bike.  I knew it had been a while since we used them, but I certainly didn’t expect that.  Exploding bicycle tubes make a really loud noise, especially inside a garage.  I don’t think anybody reported us for shooting off fireworks, or worse.  But it really was just an inner tube, guys.

Acts 4:12 says, “Salvation is found in on one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Father, thank you for the team that installed the air conditioner yesterday, including the scrap metal guy.  I guess we have become accustomed to the cool.  Amen.

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