Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 14 – “A semblance of sequence”

I started to rack my brain this morning, trying to remember whatever it was that I might have spent my day doing yesterday.  But then it occurred to me that yesterday might have been Monday.  Yes.  That’s it.  Monday.  It’s so hard to keep track of what day of the week it is in this quarantine mode.  But Monday.  I know what I usually do on Monday. 

Hmm.  Let’s track the list.  Birthday and anniversary cards.  Pay bills.  Church website.  Oh, there was a good one.  I couldn’t get on the church website to upload my article for the week.  Then I realized that I couldn’t even get on the website at all.  I called our website specialist Jennifer and cried “help!”  As is her specialty, she calmed me down and assured me she would look into it.  And within an hour or two she had tracked down the problem and taken care of it.  Amazing lady.  Nice job, Jennifer.

Back to the list.  Well, the next item was where I spent most of the day.  Work on the Seaside Online production for next week.  Plenty to do there, for sure.  It’s like starting a new job every week with that task.  It’s one thing to get a teaching together.  That takes all week anyway.  But add to that arranging with Jim and special presenters for videos, and creating a powerpoint to show the Visual Verse, and then getting everything to  flow together in a seamless manner for the actual Sunday morning presentation.  Plus going over it to make sure I have at least a semblance of sequence in my head.  Not to mention praying through all of what needs to happen.  Phew.

I guess looking at it that way helps me understand a little bit why I reach a point at several points during the day that I have to step away from the computer.  Sometimes I work on our latest jigsaw puzzle.  Sometimes I go for a walk.  Sometimes I watch some TV or a movie.  Sometimes I realize that I am just staring off into space.  Other times I confess I nod off into Neverland.  But eventually it’s take another sip of coffee or grab a bottle of water or pour a glass of iced tea and push on. 

Philippians 1:9-10 says, “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.”

Father, be with all of us who are plodding through each day of this quarantine.  It’s the business as usual days that seem to be the hardest.  Thank you for being there every time I remember to turn to you on this journey.  Amen.

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