Thursday, April 16, 2020

April 16 – “That’s Corona”

Chris has still been having pain issues with her legs.  It had gotten so bad at night that she was not sleeping well at all.  It was like having a newborn in the house for a while.  The doctor finally called back to discuss what might be going on.  She had x-rays taken last time she went in.  In a nutshell, he was still stumped.  He wants to send her to an orthopedic doc, but he did give her a prescription for the only meds that have given her any relief at all.  I’m heading out into the world to pick those up today.  In the meantime she doubled up on some meds she already had to equal the new dosage.  Finally slept all night.  Maybe we can get her through this.

We received a letter from the Social Security Administration wanting to verify some information about our income.  I’m pretty cautious about giving out that kind of data to anybody, so I sent a copy to our tax lady.  She said to fill it out and send it in.  So I did.  Then later that afternoon she emailed back.  Apparently she had taken a closer look at the document and decided that I really didn’t have to send it in after all.  So … never mind.  Great.  I told her I had already followed her earlier instruction, and the paper was already in the mail (Thanks to a rare early mail delivery by our carrier).  She replied that it should be fine.  If they contact me again, I should let her know and she would deal with it.  WooHoo.  Maybe I’ll actually get audited or something.  Can’t wait. 

We were having a FaceTime chat with some LaMarque grandkids the other day.  Three year old Ezra and six year old Noa were taking us on a tour of their house and showing us some of the amazing new tricks they have learned since being quarantined.  At one point Ezra coughed.  Without missing a beat, he said, “That’s Corona.”  Sigh.  What a time we are living in …

Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Father, we are adding a few new things to our “Trusting You” list.  Chris’ pain issues, for sure.  That whole social security thing.  Not something I need to spend time worrying about.  And Ezra, of course.  He’s already on the list.  Many times … Amen.

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