Sunday, April 19, 2020

April 19 – “Dream shovels”

Started the morning waking up with another dream very fresh on my mind.  This one starred former Galveston fire chief Mike Wisko and our son Nathan.  No, it wasn’t in the context of a fire or anything.  Mike had called Nathan to come help him.  The two of them had shovels and were removing Astroturf and bits of concrete from a large, perfect circle of ground.  Somewhere.  Sometime.  No idea on this one.  It was amazingly clear, though, so you two guys can rest assured that you both got prayed for around six this morning.

Yesterday we received one of those phone calls that I have been encouraging you all to make.  Some of our best friends from many, many … many years ago, Robert and Melinda, called just to check in on us.  They are hunkered down on their farm out in the middle of nowhere.  Robert is a professor at a seminary in Waco, so he is teaching classes online now.  Well, in between tending his garden and staring at wildlife.  He keeps an eye on Josh for us.  It was great to talk to them.

We walked a mile again.  It was kind of tough for Chris though.  Her legs are really giving her fits.  At least the new meds she got help to dull the pain a little bit.

We are slowly advancing on our latest jigsaw puzzle.  We finally reached the sky.  All blue and white.  No distinguishing features of any kind, unless you count the occasional cloud.  Problem there is that I can’t tell the difference between the very light blue and the white clouds.  Chris is separating the pieces, though, so that should help.  Isn’t it fascinating that putting together a jigsaw puzzle should become such an integral piece of news that it makes it into the daily blog?  Sigh …

1 Peter 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”

Father, once again, would you please be with Nathan and Mike in whatever pursuits they deem necessary today.  Surround them with your love and protection.  Amen.

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