Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26 – “Visits”

We went to WalMart yesterday to get a birthday gift for Noa.  While there we grabbed a dvd as well.  One of the new superhero ones.  “Glass.”  It got me in the superhero mode, so we watched Aquaman when we got home.  We’ve had it for a few weeks now.  Just getting around to watching it.  And hey, we both really liked it.  Way to go, DC Comics.

Sam was the only one who came by for Home Group.  We had several out of town, and Brennan had a baseball game.  Corey was playing his violin at the Meals on Wheels banquet.  We watched the Astros and did some chatting.

Speaking of Meals on Wheels, I got an email from them assuring me they would contact the friend of Katie.  Oh, Katie who?

Another story.  The other day we heard the doorbell ring, and who should be standing there but Katie Hightower.  She is a Seasider from way back who now lives in Huntsville.  Katie is 95 years old and just as spry as ever.  As we caught up with her and her sister Bernie, she mentioned a friend they had just seen who is a few years older than Katie.  She has no family in the area, and Katie and her sister were worried that their friend wasn’t eating well.  I told them I would contact Meals on Wheels to see if they could help out.  And so the stories connect. 

Now I’m going fishing.  First time since the grandkids went with me back at Spring Break.  Not sure where, but that really doesn’t matter, does it?

John 10:11 says, “I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Father, be with that friend of Katie and Bernie’s.  Thank you for the assurance of contact by Meals on Wheels.  Amen.

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