Monday, April 22, 2019

April 22 – “Just ... Amazing”

Resurrection Sunday at Seaside continued a tradition of being pretty amazing. 

Our new driveways onto the church property were tested at proven worthy. Thank you to Ed and Veteran Maintenance for the work you did on those as well as on the drive-through lane under the retreat center building.  We’ll get the rest of the material needed to finish that whole project as soon as we can.  Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention handling the leak in the retreat center bathroom.  It’s amazing how much work gets done behind the scenes.

The Jamaica Beach Police Department (under the direction of our very own Officer Cory), and our own sheriff officer Sarah, handled traffic at the sunrise service this year.  The no parking signs and the directing of parking onto the beach made the whole scenario way better this year than ever before. 

The Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department was out in force again this year as well.  They joined Mr. Bob with lights for our setup team, provided warming blankets for those coming out of the water after baptisms, and of course were standing by with their medical gear.  Thankfully that was not needed this year. 

The fire department estimated around one thousand attended the service this year.  We ran out of song books early.  Only had 500 of those.  We also ran out of the lapel pin gifts we gave away.  Only had 600 of those.  Guess we need to up our game next year. 

We gave a check to the fire department and police department as a thank you for being anchors in our community.  We also gave a check to our missionaries from Alaska who made the effort to be here for the service.  The Humphries Family is an anchor to families in crisis in their ministry.  Sensing a pattern here?  The theme of the service was about Jesus being our Anchor.

As the waves crashed on the shore, we got to see the sunrise in the East while the full moon was still clearly visible in the Western sky.  Pelicans in V-formation flew over during the singing, and seagulls abounded as well, all adding to the sense of all creation worshiping the Lord.  Beautiful.

We had ten baptisms at the sunrise service.  Then we ended up doing two more after the 10:00 service.  Mr. Bob said, “We had an even dozen.  I can’t say they were the dirty dozen, though, ‘cause they were all just washed clean!” 

A couple of hundred folks stopped by the church between services to join us for breakfast.  The food abounded, and God once again seemed to multiply it into more than enough for everyone. 

I’m not sure how many children came to the Easter egg hunt.  I do know we had two wagons full of hundreds of eggs for them to find.  They all seemed to get plenty of candy, and the two who won the grand prize Bibles were very excited to have them.  Chris and her team did their usual fabulous job. 

What more can I say?  God was here.  He does good work …

Psalms 22:31 says, “They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it!”

Father, thank you for an amazing Easter.  You do, indeed, do great work.  Thank you for letting us be a part of a little bit of it.

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