Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 3 – “Clown-ape-Shrek-face”

We made it through our three mile walk and 10 repetition deck step walk in the fog.  That’s becoming way too common (the fog, not the walk).  It’s back today as well.  Come on, Spring, you can do it.

Speaking of Spring, we did some outdoor chores when we got back home.  I cleaned out the gutters.  Yep.  In spite of the stern warning I got from one of our neighbors.  Just as I opened the garage door to get a ladder, she called out from her car, asking how my knee was doing.  She has been having a lot of trouble with one of her knees as well, so she is especially interested in all things joint-al.  She was concerned that I not get on a ladder quite yet.  Too soon after surgery.  I actually ended up taking her advice … sort of.  I couldn’t get to the ladder.  It was buried beneath the pile of Christmas decorations that haven’t made their way back to the attic yet.  So I went up on the deck, hopped the little fence, and made my way across the roof.  It meant awkwardly leaning over the gutters, but I got them all cleaned out. 

We don’t have all that much gutter space, so it didn’t take me that long.  Plenty of time to then help Chris do some weeding in the flower beds.  I bailed on her early, though.  Stinging grass on my leg or some such excuse.  It was a long enough stint that I am still sore today, though. 

We had not one, but two FaceBook Message video phone calls (didn’t know that was possible) from Cailyn yesterday.  The first one was tell us that she got accepted into Austin Middle School.  That is a huge positive.  It’s a magnet school with the best reputation in town.  She was so happy that she was jumping up and down.  Well, the fact that she was calling from her trampoline might have had something to do with that.  The second call was later in the evening.  She was doing some weirdness with her phone that made her look like a very ill clown.  Or one of Tarzan’s ape buddies.  Or, as Nana chimed in, Shrek.  Frightening.  That was what she settled on after sticking a pacifier in her mouth and making two little pigtail thingies on her head.  Strange stuff. 

Proverbs 21:2 says, “A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.”

Father, thank you yet again for that wacky youngster.  Give her a great day at church today.  Amen.

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