Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March 26 – “How about Whataburger?”

We had an unexpected early morning call from Nathan yesterday.  He was at work already, and he had just received a frantic call from April.  Seems her phone had started blowing up with texts asking why she wasn’t at work yet.  Somehow her schedule had been adjusted, and no one thought to let her in on it.  That meant we were called into service to pick up Cailyn from school and make sure she got to her softball game.  We assured Daddy that we would find a way to suffer through the assignment. 

We started back to walking again.  It has been over a week since the weather has cooperated.  I was afraid we would be starting back at square one.  I guess my old muscles had some good memories, though.  I made my three miles and seven trips up and down the stairs to the deck.  Chris added an extra mile and three extra stair trips.  She’s my hero. 

The bulk of my day was spent at the computer.  Monday is always a grind in that department.  Got a lot done, though.

Finally it was time to pick up Cailyn.  Chris was still at her doctor’s appointment, so I had the obligation solo.  We stopped by the fire station first so Cailyn could touch base with her Dad and do some climbing on the trucks.  She needed some physical activity.  The school had done testing all day, so she was ready to stretch and move … a lot.  After picking up her softball gear at her house, we made our way home.  Chris was already there, and it was time for some supper.  Chris offered some of the homemade pot pie she made the day before.  Nope.  She tried chicken strips.  Not hungry.  I quietly made a suggestion, and Chris changed tactics.  “How about Whataburger?”  Cailyn replied, “Sure.  I could eat.”  I got everybody’s order and we had a quick supper before heading to the softball game.

And that was an experience in itself.  The girls did just fine.  A shaky first inning by our pitcher led to a five run outburst.  In the middle of it all, Cailyn fielded a slow roller and gunned a strike to the first baseman to get the runner out.  Highlight reel.  When we came to bat, Cailyn walked on four straight pitches, stole second and third, and scored our first run on a wild pitch.  We ended up tying the game.  The opponents scored just one run the next inning.  Our pitcher settled down and threw a lot of strikes.  We were just coming up to bat when the first of the lightning struck.  It was still on the other side of the bay, but it was close enough to elicit some squeals from the girls.  After a brief delay while the umpires and league officials studied the rules and the lightning app on their phones, the game was called.  By this time April had arrived, so Cailyn went on home with her.  the rain did finally come, but only after we were safely at home, watching the Baylor women’s basketball team completely demolish their opponent in the national tournament.  They were more than twenty points ahead at halftime, and things just got worse from there for their opponent.  The final score was 103-64.  Ouch.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

Father, thanks for the brief rain last night.  Could we have some dry and hot days now for a while?  Sure would like to get our fence up.  Oh, and have some warmer water by Easter.  Amen.

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