Friday, March 1, 2019

March 1 – “Bukus, pins and buttons”

Well, I dove in headfirst yesterday.  Two of the most time-consuming tasks of the year were due to get done.  The first was related to my knee surgery.  I had to upload a bill for each individual physical therapy session to our medical sharing plan.  That’s sixteen separate uploads plus the one for the surgery itself.  Not that it was particularly difficult.  Just time consuming.  But it is complete now, so I just have to wait and see what they come up with next.

Then it was time to get together … income tax.  Never a fun event in the life of an American, but sometimes it has benefits when you get a refund.  I am especially curious what will come of ours this year.  When you start receiving social security, does that mean you no longer have to pay into it?  Sure hope so.  That Social Security line item is where we have had to pay bukus every year.  Wait.  How do you spell “bookoos”?  Bouckous?  Anyway … it is done and in the envelope ready to send off to our accountant.  I’ll let them sort it all out. 

While I was doing all that Chris was steadily working through the photos from our Disney trip of a few years ago.  She is creating another of her masterpieces.  This time it will be a scrapbook of the event.  And it was a pretty special event, too.  That’s where Mickey Mouse announced to us – and to the world - that Zakary, Caleb, and Luke were all going to be big brothers.  It was a trip of a lifetime for Chris and me, too.  Neither of us had ever been there, so we were just as must little kids in awe as everyone else.   I can’t wait to see what she does with the scrapbook.

Jennifer came by with her little charge.  She is babysitting a toddler who is cute as a pin.  Or cute as a button.  What do those mean, anyway?  What makes a pin or a button so cute?  This little girl was pretty cute, though.  She played while Chris and Jennifer talked scrapbooking.  They were waiting here for their dog to be done at the groomer’s.  Now that’s another task that I don’t miss at all – taking the dog to the groomer.  It’s why I don’t want a shaggy dog of any kind ever again.  Besides, Freddy sheds enough for three shaggy dogs.  She needs no help. 

Deuteronomy 30:16 says, “For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees, and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.”

Father, thank you for the feeling of relief that comes upon completion of these difficult tasks.  Also, would you watch over that cute little girl as she grows and learns.  Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

P.K- she loved mama Chris!! I loved visiting with mama Chris- and when do you want Bryan and I to drop our taxes off for you to do since your done with yours?