Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21 – “Excursions … check”

The Alaska meeting went really well.  The travel agent outlined the special shore excursions available to us through their “intervention.”  They then compared their costs to us with the cost if we went through the cruise line.  Chris had already researched those, so we could confirm their claims.  The agency had arranged for some quite substantial discounts.  And to top it off, the three couples that will be traveling together (including us) had actually picked out the same excursions.  We were able to sign up for them and arrange to be together for all of them.  We are facing some pretty exciting stuff, not the least of which will be a white water rafting trip in Fairbanks.  Yep.  We’re a little crazy.  We stayed up past my bedtime talking things over with Cary and Kay Lynn.  We found out later that Wayne and Sheri had a hard time getting to sleep as well.  I guess all of us are getting a tad excited.  Just one more pre-trip meeting to come.

Yesterday, after a brief shopping trip to Dick’s Sporting Goods store and a walk all the way around The Parks Mall in Arlington, we went to lunch with some other friends, Larry and Diane.  Diane insisted that the restaurant, called the Lazy Dog Restaurant and Bar, did not serve dog food.  Imagine our surprise – and Diane’s – when the waitress explained that they have an actual doggy area.  And … ready for this one … a separate menu for your dog to use in placing his own order.  Hmm.  So, Diane … Lazy Dog, huh?  Actually the “Lazy” dog food we were served was really good.  But next time maybe find us a Lazy Cow.  Or better yet, maybe you guys could just come to Galveston for a visit to the Lazy Shrimp and Stuff.

We gave the Bucees in Madisonville another chance on the way home.  It is set up similarly to the one in Waller, but it’s just … squished.  Much smaller building.  And as a result, the aisles are skinnier and stuff just seems very close.  Add the large number of customers stopping in, and you have a real logjam.  It wasn’t so bad this time, though.  Guess the fact that it was midweek helped.

The state troopers were out in force.  We didn’t actually count them, but they peppered the freeway all the way down Interstate 45.  Guess it was an official “Slow down out there” Wednesday.

We hit a large amount of traffic when we got to Houston right at 5:00.  It took us a good two hours to make it through the city.  And once we got to the south side, there was a wreck slowing down traffic for miles.  Two fire engines responded along with police and ambulances and the ever-present wreckers. 

We made it to Galveston in time to drive straight to Cailyn’s softball game.  She did great.  2 for 2 and two runs scored against her good friend who was pitching.  Way to go, Cailyn. 

It was good to be back in our own bed last night.  Now we hit the ground running …

Psalms 23:4 says, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Father, be with young Brennan today before and during his surgery.  And give his Mom and Dad peace as they wait for him.  Amen.

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