Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 9 – “122”

Early morning doctor call yesterday.  No issues or anything.  The appointment just fell at 8:40.  I was kind of surprised when they started out with more X-rays.  They just did some last week.  Something about that “official” six week window, I guess.  They apparently looked good.  I got to see them with the resident.  He was pleased, anyway.  I asked him what kind of metal they used, but I could tell he wasn’t sure.  I forgot to ask the real doc, but it wasn’t important anyway.  I just wanted to research whether I would be setting off airport scanners. 

The doc was more than pleased when she walked in.  She said the X-rays all looked perfect, and she loved the way I was walking.  Guess that was a reference to the fact that I forgot my walking stick.  Well, on to the bottom line.  She said I was cleared to do anything I wanted now.  I asked if that meant I could run a marathon.  She said I sure could, and I could even play the piano.  Pretty impressive since I couldn’t do any of those things before the surgery.  Guess I have a lot to learn …

I went straight from there to physical therapy.  I had the same therapist as last time – the one that put me through some tough paces.  And this time she didn’t disappoint.  After my ten-minute bicycle warmup I did all the same stuff as last time except for one.  She hooked me up on the free weights machine and had me lifting with my legs.  I’m supposed to be able to lift my body weight.  Hope she waits until I lose some weight before cranking it up that high.  I can even feel that strain in my good knee.  She did do her voodoo squeeze and stretch of my sore hamstring.  It seemed to help a lot.  I’ll have to get her to teach that one to Chris.  Oh, and while she had me on my back, she decided to measure my bendability again.  That’s the one where the goal was 120 degrees.  I eased my knee up to a point, then she said, “Can you lift your foot up?”  Ever the good patient, I complied.  Then she grabbed my knee and pushed it together, holding it while she ran the measurement.  “122 degrees,” she announced proudly.  My reply?  “Thanks for the help.  I think.”  Now I need to focus on walking.  Made it a mile last time.  I’ll hold there for a week or so before increasing.

Psalms 125:1 says, “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.”

Father, thank you for the medical pros who have been helping me through this process.  Give them more than a few good days.  Amen.

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