Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29 – “Spring???”

My day began early.  I had to meet the fire inspector at Seaside to get the building checked out.  Seems we need to replace a smoke detector cover.  Other than that we scored perfect.  Good for another year.  I got some cleaning and rearranging done in the church office while I was waiting for them.  Interesting the things you find when everyone has access …

We went for our walk after lunch.  It was “plumb hot” as my grandmother used to say.  Not so much this morning, though.  42 with a wind chill of 32.  Brrrr.  We also walked the deck stairs when we got back.  Oh, and I added some lunges in between steps.  Yep.  I was beat.  And sore.  The good kind of sore, though.

After cooling down out on our new chairs in the back, we took down the old rope lighting encircling the deck.  Long strips of lights were out at intermittent intervals, so we decided to replace the whole lot of them.  As it turned out we had to use pliers to get the screws out, because they were so rusted.  So, now we need to pick a day and string up the new ones.  You know, all this cleaning and rearranging.  It feels way too much like Spring.  So … what time is the Astros game?

Psalms 138:1 says, “I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; before the ‘gods’ I will sing your praise.”

Father, thank you for the really beautiful day yesterday.  I know there are more to come.  Amen. 

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