Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 6 – “To loop or not to loop …”

I had a dream the other night.  Now, this was an actual sleep dream.  I haven’t taken pain meds in several days.  The scenario was that someone was giving our son Josh a really hard time.  Enough that he was getting really stressed about it.  What was the majorly stressful issue that was so rudely affecting this young man?  Seems he was mal-forming the number “two” when he wrote it.  That’s right.  It was a big one.  These folks were insisting that the number ‘two” should have a little loop at the bottom.  His did not.  So they asked me my opinion.  I had to go with Josh on this one.  I generally make my number two’s with no loops.  Here’s to no-looped 2’s.

We went to the hospital in the morning to check on Seasider Sharon.  She was in better spirits generally, but is now in ICU as they work to break up a blood clot in her lungs.  We enjoyed meeting and talking to her daughter.  Very vivacious lady. 

We expected a visit from Kel’s kids.  They were going to come by after their library trip.  We had a few little chores lined up for them.  Mainly putting the Christmas boxes back in the attic.  I have also been eyeing all the sycamore leaves that need to be raked and bagged up.  They are blocking access to the fence that we will be replacing, so they gotta go.  But … they called and canceled.  Mom wasn’t feeling well.  So Chris and I moved the Christmas boxes to the garage.  They’ll make it to the attic eventually.  Always hesitant to leave them in the garage, though.  Last time we did that Hurricane Ike swept it all away. 

Watched most of the Texans game.  So sad.  Watched part of the Cowboys game.  They were losing 14-10 when I decided to go to bed.  Before I could get the TV turned off I decided to watch one more set of downs.  The Cowboys scored.  I read this morning where they eventually won the game, too.  My Dad would have been very happy.  He was quite the Cowboys fan.

Psalms 121:8 says, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ;Let us go to the house of the Lord.’”

Father, be with Sharon and Christina.  Two sweet ladies.  Each needs a different level of your touch.  Amen.

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