Friday, January 4, 2019

January 4 – “TDCD Mode”

Early morning phone call yesterday.  Not family or ministry related, though.  That was a surprise.  It was actually a notice that my physical therapist had called in sick.  I was being moved to a different one, but they didn’t have an opening until 10:30.  That gave us an extra hour or so to fill in before we left.  Chris lamented the fact that she could have slept in a little longer. 

The session itself was a really tough one.  The therapist was the hamstring guru magician who “unlocked” my muscle a week or so ago.  She actually had me almost working up a sweat.  Oh, and she gave me a new stretching exercise for … yep.  My hamstring. 

From the physical therapy building we drove over to the hospital.  Oh, and did I mention yet that it was raining?  And cold?  48 degrees and wet.  I had on a t-shirt and a windbreaker.  Not enough for Galveston’s winter.  But I digress.  We went to the hospital to visit a Sharon.  A few other Seasiders were already there when we arrived, and more came after we left.  They assured me that they would be checking in on her over the course of her stay.  Taking care of each other.  That is especially encouraging to me since I haven’t been cleared to drive yet. 

Yesterday afternoon Chris finally hit TDCD (Take Down the Christmas Decorations) Mode.  That’s a frightening season of life when her focus turns solely to that task, and nothing deters her from her objective.  Truly a “Yes ma’am,” “What can I do to help?” time.  Bringing in the mostly empty boxes from the garage wasn’t all that difficult.  I even managed to disassemble the tree and get it boxed up.  Chris did all the meticulous repacking of treasured ornaments and artifacts.  We still have outside lights that need to come down and then we will be ready to get the boxes back up into the attic.  And that is a job for … not me.  Maybe some grandkids …

Psalms 121:5-6 says, “The Lord watches over you — the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.”

Father, would you be with Sharon?  Give her doctors wisdom and her caregivers and nurses compassion.  Amen.

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