Thursday, August 9, 2018

August 9 – “Shhhhh …”

So, we left Waco and headed for home.  And the trip was … interesting.  Quiet.  Very quiet.  Chris and I enjoyed just talking for a long time.  I had some time to work on the sermon.  And I even had time to read some in a novel.  Can’t remember the last time I did that.  And I’m sure Chris will allege that there was some sleeping going on as well.  I can’t really confirm or deny such accusations. 

Once home Chris dove right back into Alaska cruise preparations.  By the time we leave next year she is going to know more about that cruise than the cruise line itself.  I guess the preparations are helping, though.  We got a call inviting us to meet the Spray’s for lunch.  They are one of the couples we are going to Alaska with.  Can’t beat lunch at Shrimp and Stuff with some good friends.

I made the dreaded phone call about our recently de-blinked refrigerator.  The freezer is completely gone.  The fridge part is rapidly approaching its final stages as well.  When the guy on the phone asked me what was the problem, I told him that our fridge was not refrigerating.  Took him hearing it about three times before it registered in his head.  To his credit, though, he entered it as an “emergency service call.”  “Emergency” has different meaning in the appliance service realm, however.  So they are supposed to be rushing madly to our assistance on Friday during one of their cloud-like windows of time, 1-5 p.m.  We could have opted for 3-6 p.m. as well, but hey, I wanted to get in on that four hour deal.  I’m not sure how that other guy will be able to squeeze his way into just a three hour time span …

We went by Randalls to pick up two of my prescriptions.  First ones under my new-found Medicare plan.  And … in the words of the guy behind the counter, “You do know that this is an insurance company and insurance companies are not there to help you in any way, right?”  Seems I have to meet a $290 deductible before the plan starts picking up the discounted costs.  And then the whole thing starts over every January 1st.  Sigh.  Ain’t it great getting old?

Psalms 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

Father, thank you for the quiet ride home with Chris.  And would you help that service guy figure out the issue with our fridge?  That’s another expense we don’t really need right now.  Amen.

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