Thursday, August 2, 2018

August 2 – “I remember …”

I forgot to add yesterday that I finished up the day by staying up late.  Past midnight.  Not recommended when you get old.  But the Astros were playing in Seattle and Cary’s cable subscription covered the game.  Yep.  Saw the whole thing.  Loss number four in a row.  First time all year.  Ouch.

Now here’s bit of confession.  We skipped out on some of the convention.  It’s just that there wasn’t any pressing business that was scheduled, and the break-out session choices were of no interest to either of us.  So we decided to make a break for it.  We ended up in the nearby Metropolis of Midlothian.  Why there?  We had lunch with Diane, another good friend from many years ago in beautiful downtown Midlothian.  Mexican food.  Third time in a row.  Too much of a good thing.  The Mexican food, not Diane.  She was kind to me.  She only mentioned a certain baseball game once.  She’s a die-hard Texas Rangers fan.  Even sent me a photo of a broom after they swept the Astros in a series last week.  I was all prepared to gently remind her that the Astros have pretty much owned the Rangers all year.  Had the silver boot award already won before the last series even began.  Great chance to rest the Astros injured superstars.  But no.  I was nice. 

On our way back to the Winkle’s we stopped in to see another friend, Charles Willett.  He was my high school counselor, a groomsman in our wedding, and all-around good guy.  Great to see him and reminisce.

Then we took Cary and Kay Lynn out for supper.  Place called Cotton Patch.  Down-home southern cooking.  The three of them had buckets of salad.  Really.  Huge bowls filled with grass and some meat on top.  I had the meatloaf, fried okra and black-eyed peas combination.  Nice comfort food.  Gave me plenty of energy to stay up late again.  That must have been what the Astros needed.  They won this time.

Oh, and it just hit me.  August 1 was yesterday.  I’m officially a medicare patient.  Well, that took a while …

Psalms 89:6-7 says, “For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord?  Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings?  In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him.”

Father, thank you for chances to reconnect with old friends.  Amen.

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