Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 8 – “Quality time”

Got to spend some quality time with my wife yesterday.  No, I’m not talking about the time we spent watching the Astros game together, although that was pretty nice as well (especially since the Astros won).  I mean the hours we spent in front of the computer screen wading through pictures from our trip to DisneyWorld several years ago.  We have compiled all the photos we took with our camera, both of our phones, both of Josh and Christi’s phones, and the ones that the park employees took of us.  It is a massive file that started with around 1350 pictures.  Our task has been to winnow it down into a manageable number that we can then have printed up into actual photo paper pictures.  Then Chris has great plans to magically transfer those pictures into one old school scrapbook so we can relive the adventure.  So … we worked our way through four days of the trip.  Now we are down to only nine hundred or so pictures.  This is gonna be one expensive scrapbook.  And she is already talking about the National Parks scrapbook that is looming in our future.  And the Cruise to Alaska scrapbook.  And the Cruise to the Panama Canal scrapbook.  And those trips haven’t even happened yet. 

Psalms 77:13-14 says, “Your ways, O God, are holy.  What god is so great as our God?  You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”

Father, thank you for any quality time I get to spend with my wife.  They are truly special moments.  Amen.

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