Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30 – “uku-update”

For all of you ukulele fans, here’s a quick update on my progress after two classes. I’m doing just fine on learning cords and getting from one cord to another.  That’s never really been a problem for me.  It just takes practice to get my fingers in the right spot.  My issues come in two other areas. 

First comes in playing melodies.  In other words picking one string at a time.  I get that it is just a matter of memorizing which finger on which fret and finding which string to pluck.  That I’m sure will come with time.  But I can’t ever find my place back on the paper when I have to look back and forth to find string and finger positions.  I noticed right away that I wasn’t the only one.  Our illustrious instructor lost probably 99% of the class when he tried to get us to play an actual song.  Of course it didn’t help that the song was by some guy named Beethoven. 

My second problem area is with what he calls strum patterns.  Now understand up front, this is why I took the class.  I have no idea when to strum down, or up, or down -  down – up, or down – up – down.  It’s just hard to keep up with all of that.  And then he expects us to actually sing, too.  Come on, now.  One or the other, please.  I’m afraid I might just be making up strum patterns as I go along.  Sadly, it is becoming increasingly apparent that I won’t be one of the stars of the show at our recital when class is over.  Ah, well, it is fun, though.  I’ll just keep learning cords and strumming away to my heart’s content, singing silently (or in certain cases, not so silently – read here “I’m a nut”) and no-doubt disturbing those around me.  In fact, Chris is awake now.  I think I’l go practice a little …

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “We live by faith, not by sight.”

Father, thank you for music … no matter what it sounds like.  Amen.

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