Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 18 – “Workin’ with Bella”

We had an incredible turnout for our church workday yesterday.  best I could count there were 19 people and Bella, the Wonder Dog.  And if you add in Bob, who almost single-handedly put up the basketball goal since he couldn’t be there yesterday, we hit 20 people working to make the resources God has given us more and more fit to use for his glory.  There was a lot of cross-task helping of one another, and no one did just one thing.  It was a great picture of how we can work together and get a lot accomplished.

Now I know I’ll probably miss something, but best I can remember, here are some of the things we got done:
Ed spent the better part of the day re-setting a toilet.  Much bigger job than it sounds, when you take into account the rust and corrosion that is a lovely part of life in Galveston.  He also brought a trailer up and hauled away some rotten wood.
Lauren worked up in the retreat center toiling away at bathroom cleaning, including scrubbing the walls.
Cathy was up in the retreat center as well.  I understand she crawled into some showers to get at the grit.  She also made her presence known in the kitchen up there, cleaning out the refrigerators and, well, the rest of the kitchen.
Speaking of refrigerators, Bob and Houston hooked up the ice makers.  Bob also worked with Bryan to get some blinds hung.  Houston delivered pizza in a most impressive way.
Jennifer spent the day cleaning and organizing a supply cabinet upstairs.
Chris worked in the bathrooms upstairs as well, and she also hung some frost privacy coverings on the bathroom windows.
Dan and Wendy were the outside connection.  They worked on some landscaping issues (the vine that was growing into the building) and they are still figuring out a way to restripe the parking lot. 
And down in the worship center, Diane and Sam cleaned and shined up all the windows.  Great to be able to see clearly again.
Bill caulked the windows that were leaking precious cool air, and then cleaned all the light fixture covers and changed light bulbs. 
Jim did some touching up of paint in the sanctuary and fellowship room.  He also made key repairs to the swing set outside.  Go check that one out.
Robert replaced ceiling tiles.  Wow, that sound so simple.  Not so easy, though.  Lots of measuring and cutting to get then to fit.
Amber worked in the bathrooms to get them shining and clean.  She was also our pizza driver.  Quite a popular person around lunch time.
Stephanie pulled on her work gloves and transformed the kitchen into a gleaming wonderland. 
Lynn did all things air conditioner.  He replaced filters, cleaned out vents and even rewired some stuff.  He also repaired the banister of the stairs to the retreat center. 
I already mentioned Bob and the basketball goal, so I guess that leave good ol’ Bella the Wonder Dog.  She did some serious supervising – she’s quite the taskmaster.  I know she checked on just about everyone at one time or another.  She also did some babysitting for Houston and Ed.

We still have some things to get don, but boy, did we ever accomplish a lot.  I am as proud as I can be of that lot who gave up a perfectly good Saturday (it only rained a little bit) to hang out with some fellow Seasiders and do some old fashioned working. 

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I was sure beat when we got home.  Managed to grab a quick shower, eat some Chef Boy-R-Dee spaghetti, and settle in with a box of Frosted Flakes to watch the first half of Aggie football and the first six or seven innings of Astros baseball.  That was about as much as I could stay awake for.  Chris and I both collapsed into bed, tired but certainly with a feeling of accomplishment.  Oh, and the Astros won.

2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

Father, thank you for all the help yesterday.  Bless them for their effort.  And ease some sore muscles among them.  Amen.

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