Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16 – “Worked in and work planning”

Just a quick note this morning.  I am being “worked in” at the new rheumatologist’s office for him to go over the lab work he ordered last time I saw him.  I’m supposed to be there by 8:15.  Not sure what that means in real time.  He personally approved a “double book” to get me the appointment.  I don’t know whether to feel special or doomed.  But my joints have still been doing pretty well over the last month or so.  I am quite curious to see what his findings and recommendations are …

Yesterday our worship pastor Jim and I walked the property at Seaside to identify some specific jobs to be done at our big all-church workday on Saturday.  We came up with a page full for each building, so I think we can keep a few people busy.  It means I have to make a Home Depot run today, though.  We want to have as many of the supplies as possible before everyone arrives.  There will be some things we’ll have to pick up at the local hardware store, but that shouldn’t be a problem.  One of the biggest issues is getting rid of the bees that have taken up residence under the retreat center.  We’d rather not kill them, of course, but we have been having some problems getting a call back from the bee removal guys.  We may have to co-exist for the workday Saturday, but they don’t seem to be the Africanized kind.  They are quite focused on their task of honey-making and I think they would only attack if they felt threatened.  I’ll have to remember to mention that … 

2 Corinthians 2:15-16 says, “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.  To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?”

Father, I’m really interested to know what the RA guy has to say today.  I for one think you have had a lot to do with the easing of pain in my joints, but I’m happy to hear whatever medical explanation he wants to come up with.  Amen.

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