Saturday, May 7, 2016

May 7 – “How many?”

Whew.  It’ll be a long time before I can top the news in that last post.  It’s still sinking in, especially after we babysat the little strawberry-sized dude’s brothers and sister yesterday.  OK … or dudette … or both?  Christina told us that the initial ultrasound report came back hearing two heartbeats. 

When they picked Kel up off the floor (no, he didn’t really  pass out … this time), the doctor told them they could wait two more weeks for a second one, or they could schedule another one on their own and pay for it.  Kel asked how much something like that would cost, and then didn’t hesitate a beat.  “We’ll do it.”  He was of no mind to wait two weeks with the threat of twins hanging over his head.  The second ultrasound was apparently a considerable amount more methodical (at Kel’s insistence, I’m sure).  And when  the results were in, the announcement came.  “Nope.  There’s just one in there.  Guaranteed.” 

Rats.  There goes any hope of a designated hitter this go around.  But wait.  Strawberries have been known to bunch up.  Just saying …

Mark 10:49 says, “Jesus stopped and said, ‘Call him.’  So they called to the blind man, ‘Cheer up! On your feet! He's calling you.’”

Father, thank you that you know just the right place to place the tiny little ones that you love so dearly.  And how many … Amen.

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