Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23 – “Crisis #3 … through 5”

Well, our three-day visitors have returned home.  Mom and Dad couldn’t stand being away from them for even a second longer, so they returned somewhat earlier than expected.  So I guess I need to close the book on the ongoing saga of The Noa Crisis.  But before I do, here are a few more …

Crisis #3 – Jachin’s deodorant.  Actually, this would have been the first one, but I heard about it late.  Seems Noa quietly discovered her oldest brother’s deodorant.  She does everything stealthily.  She’s a natural, in fact.  Anytime the house grew quiet, even for a few seconds, the cry went out, piercing the stillness, “Noa?  Where are you?”  She naturally assumed that deoderant had something to do with makeup.  A reasonable assumption.  So she installed it … all over her face and in her hair.  Glad Chris discovered that one. 

Crisis #4 – Brushing her teeth.  Ah, this one was my personal favorite.  Primarily because I happened to be the first responder on the scene.  From the doorway I noticed that she was sitting on the sink in the bathroom, toothpaste all over her hands and face.  And as I entered the room, the mirror came into view as well.  That portion of it that she could reach was now an art project that would make Salvador Dali proud.  Of course I didn’t want to disturb the masterpiece before me, so I called Chris.  She began the requisite grilling.  “Did you get it in your mouth?”  Noa shakes her head, “No.”  “Were you putting on makeup?” Noa shakes her head yes.  Ah, a question I would never have thought to ask, and with it Chris cut to the motivational issue at hand.  That at least explained it.  Something about little girls and makeup, I guess.

Crisis #5 – “No shower.  No shower.”  And then there was that one bath time.  Except Noa wasn’t quite ready, knowing that bed time would follow shortly thereafter.  She started in as Chris picked her up, “No shower.  No shower.”  The pleas grew louder and louder the closer to the bath room they got.  And as they arrived at their destination, the pleading became wailing, “No shower.  No shower.”  Chris changed tactics, “OK, we’ll take a bath, then.  Not the right answer, I guess.  The crying continued.  Chris gently wiped her face and body with a warm, wet wash cloth.  And this being Nana and DadDad’s house, soothed her with, “OK.  No shower.  No bath.  Let’s go get your jammies on.”  An all-too brief respite of silence engulfed the house, followed by renewed wailing … “Wanna take shower.  Take a shower.”  Sigh.  The trials of a two year old are never-ending.

Hebrews 12:7 says, “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?”

Father, thank you for the chance to walk with Noa through some “crises” in her young life.  Be there for her as the crises of growing up get more serious.  Amen.

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