Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16 – “O – M – G”

Great news on the medical update front.  Cailyn went in for her recheck yesterday.  The official report read, “No scratch seen.”  That’ll work.  Way to go, God.

Kel and Christina and their kids are all geared up for a continuation of their vacation.  They spent a day or two with cousins in Waco, and now they are heading to Glorieta, New Mexico.  Along the way they will stop in Lubbock to see some of Christina’s family.  Cailyn and Chris were talking about that leg of the journey. Cailyn wanted to know exactly where Lubbock was.  Chris answered with that most typical of Texas approaches, time instead of miles, “It takes about twelve hours to drive to Lubbock.”  And Cailyn’s response to that tidbit of information? 
“O – M – G.” 
Wait.  How old is that girl, anyway?

Speaking of vacations, Chris and I have started planning ours.  Looks like we will have two weeks at the end of May to make one of our famous road trips to … well, that’s what we’re trying to figure out.  Her first find was the Louisville Slugger museum in Kentucky.  Sounded great to me, but what else is there to do in that part of the country?  And where to go on the way there?  And how long could a baseball bat museum take to explore, anyway?  What then?  All completely valid concerns, right?

Now our first stop has to be somewhere in Louisiana.  Another one of those inheritance delivery things.  But after that we are literally wide open.  I seem to recall a friend in Alabama somewhere.  Is that on the way to Kentucky?  I’m pretty sure we know someone in Indiana, too.  And Minnesota.  And Pennsylvania.  And Virginia.  Guess we’re getting all over the map, aren’t we?  Wait.  That’s what we need.  A map.  And not one that only shows where your car is and how far it is to your next stop.  We need one of those antique, folded-in-an-impossible-to-refold-pattern, travel maps of the United States.  I know they used to have them.  In fact, I checked on the AAA website.  They still have them.  But you have to go into the office to pick them up.  And the nearest AAA office is in Missouri City.  So … one of our Thursday ventures will be to WalMart or Target to see if good old Rand McNally is still in business with his infamous road atlases.  Or maybe we could take a field trip into Texas and see if Buccees has road maps.  Or maybe I could just get all the grandkids to draw me a map and send it to me.  Now that sounds intriguing …

Exodus 15:26 says, He said, ‘If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.’”

Father, thank you for the great news about Cailyn’s eye.  You are ever Yahweh Rapha.  Amen.

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