Saturday, March 14, 2015

March 14 – “The cousins’ day”

Yesterday was a real Galveston tourist kind of day.  We actually went to the world-famous Strand.  And why in the world would we want to do that?  Oh, come on.  Have you never witnessed the wonder of watching the candy-maker at work at LaKing’s?  Or seen some teenagers working on their city-scape jumping skills?  Or perhaps do like Kel did … glamorize a tourist’s picture-taking by doing a photo bomb in a SpiderMan hoodie.  They even asked him to come back and pose. 

After a Papa John’s pizza lunch (gotta have pizza at some point on a cousin sleepover day), we headed on out to the Strand.  The hoped-for ride on the ferry was nixed when we woke up to another foggy, dreary day on the coast.  It wasn’t all that cold, at least, but it would have been miserable on the ferry, that’s for sure.  Besides, all these cousins have never seen the candy maker at work.  And who can turn down a whole store full of candy to choose from? 

When we arrived, however, we discovered that the next show was not for another hour.  So consolation candy bags in hand, we made our way over to the gigantic chess board.  Jachin and Zakary intended to play an actual game, but they soon discovered that they had way too much help.  All eight cousins decided that the big guys needed their help in setting up the board.  Whenever Noa or Luke moved a piece, the older guys (or maybe a Daddy here and there) would very patiently move it back to where it belonged.  It looked like so much fun that I decided to join in.  When Jachin wasn’t looking, I started moving pieces as well.  I don’t think he caught on to my antics right away, but it didn’t take him long.  The whole thing was quite entertaining for a young couple who thought they were just there to relax for a few minutes.  The floor show was a bonus.

Back to the candy store and the demonstration of making taffy.  Our guys pushed their way to the front and had a ring side seat.  Cailyn and Noa even staked a spot on the horse ride right by the rail.  The whole thing didn’t become real, though, until the candy maker started tossing samples to the crowd.  Free chocolate-flavored taffy and all you had to do was catch it.  Well, or pick it up after it bounced off some unsuspecting tourist’s head (and that happened more often that you would expect).  Then we went on back to the house, stepping in every puddle we could find along the way.  Oh wait.  I guess that was just me.  Guess I was jealous of the fun they all had the day before.

And waiting for us back at the house was none other than … a speckled trout fish fry.  Uncle Nathan and Aunt April threw in a few pounds of shrimp as well, so it was quite the feed.  Mix that with Nani’s cheesy potatoes and corn and green beans and Aunt Christina’s salad, and you have a full-blown feast.  Good stuff.  Almost depleted our store of fish, though.  Old DadDad is gonna have get to work on replenishing it real soon.

We finished off the evening with the cousins’ sleepover.  Sleeping bags on the floor, a movie on the TV (Indian in the Cupboard), and a few adults carefully hovering in the background.  The number of adults gradually diminished until only Nani was left waiting for the final holdout to give in and fall asleep.  I think that was Josiah, believe it or not.  The cousins’ sleepover finally officially ended this morning when the early risers, Micah and Zak joined me for a trip to the donut shop to pick up breakfast.  I couldn’t go without them after they left me a sticky-note command on the front door.  It read, “Do not go to get donuts without us.”  And so, a dozen plain glazed, three chocolate iced, three strawberry sprinkles, and three dozen donut holes later, they were ready to start the day.  How about you?

1 Chronicles 16:31 says, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Father, please keep these youngsters close as they grow up.  Help them learn the value of family.  Amen.

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