Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12 – “Many hats”

Well I was told something yesterday that I can honestly say no one has ever said to me before.  One of the female fire fighters told me that I look like Alan Alda.  “You know.  That guy who played on M.A.S.H.”  She also listed a movie that he was apparently in, but I wouldn’t know about that.  He never played Superman, so I probably didn’t see the movie.  I gotta admit I was flattered to be compared to a movie star.  Of course the more she talked the worse it got.  The points of comparison she emphasized centered around the gray hair that both of have and something about our eyes.  I don’t know.  How old is Alan Alda, anyway?

I did get to go by the hospital and check on Jamie after his heart surgery.  Everything is still progressing well on that front.  He is having the usual rough time with the breathing treatment to keep his lungs clear of pneumonia, but that will take some time to overcome.  He is still on medication for the pain, so as those are weaned away he will have that pain to contend with as well.  Jamie is quite determined, though, and I know he can handle those challenges.  His friends and family have really surrounded him with love, and from what I hear, that support will only grow as he moves out of ICU and into a regular room. 

I also stopped by two of the fire stations, and in both places I was encouraged to go to the City of Galveston Christmas party.  I wasn’t technically a city employee, so I kind of felt like an outsider crashing the party.  Once I got there, though, I was really welcomed as member of the fire department family.  I even won one of the door prizes.  It was a Black and Decker toaster oven.  Not sure how I’ll put that one to use. 

Most of the fire fighters on duty either got to stop by or had some of the turkey and ham and green beans and mashed potatoes and dressing and cake taken to them at their stations.  Pretty good food.  Several of the GFD guys were also rewarded with pins for their years of service to Galveston.  I know Jonathan Cook got a five-year, and Danny Weber, Jr. was really proud of his twenty-year.  I tried to find a list of all the awards so I could list the GFD guys, but it is not posted on the city website.  Congratulations to all you, whoever you are.  I ran into our city manager Michael Kovacs.  He assured me that I was indeed welcome, and he introduced me to some folks as, “The pastor of Seaside Church out West – my church.”  So two of the hats I wear were revealed – pastor and chaplain. 

And a third of my many hats will be coming out this afternoon - son.  Mom was up just about every hour on the hour last night, and she has been really complaining about unspecific pain – all over her body and including her teeth.  Chris just made appointments for her to the doctor today and the dentist on Monday.  So here we go on that one. 

You know, this is one of those times when the Trinity seems totally reasonable to me.  If I can squeeze in being pastor and chaplain and son (not to mention husband and father), then God can surely handle being Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  And I know he’ll be better at his job than I ever will be at any of mine.  

Ephesians 1:17 says, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”

Father God, thank you for creating and holding this thing together, Jesus, thank you for living perfect and dying and rising from the dead for me, and thank you Holy Spirit for
walking with me every day.  Amen.


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