Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1 – “A Mom dream”


I had a dream two nights ago.  In the dream I caught Mom smoking two cigarettes.  Now, I don't remember ever seeing my mother smoking even one cigarette in her whole life.  Maybe she did back in her wild and crazy days when her hair was red and she could still put her feet behind her head (at least she always told us she used to be able to do that), but I sure never saw her. 


In the dream she was wearing white gloves for some reason.  Maybe to avoid getting that yellow residue on her fingers which would insure that she would get caught.  There she was, with a burning cigarette in each hand.  One of the little monsters was about to burn down and catch the glove on fire.  That's the one I jumped for first.  To put it mildly, she was really upset when I took it from her, even though I was assuring her the whole time that I was saving her from burning her hand.  The other one was even harder.  I really had to wrench it from her hands.  And then I realized she had a whole packet in her purse that I had to fight her for and get rid of.  Weird.  I'm glad dreams are not always messages from God.  I would lose some serious sleep trying to figure that one out.


Peggy's funeral is this morning.  Then the trip home. 


Proverbs 10:11 says, "The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked."


Father, help me to be a speaker of righteousness – to say good stuff.  I sure like to hear it when others say good stuff, and not just about me.  It's just good to hear good.  But you knew that.  Amen.

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