Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16 – “The Loud Tuna Fish”


Here's an update on Chris' Mom.  She is scheduled to have a stent replacement tomorrow morning at 7:30.  That is if her blood pressure rises enough to handle it.  It was really low this afternoon, so they were doing some things to try to get it back up.  If everything goes OK with that surgery and her blood pressure, they are talking about letting her go home tomorrow afternoon.   She is on oxygen all the time now, though.  She and her husband are kind of scared about having enough to get to Bay City.  Then once they get there, they have to trust that the oxygen company will be waiting in their drive way with some more.  Well, with one of those little machines that makes it.  Chris stayed up there with them again tonight, and it sounds like she may be in this for the long haul.  She said this afternoon that she plans to spend at least one night with them once they get home to help them understand how to use the oxygen.  I took her up some clothes and hung around for awhile.  I have an appointment with my rheumatologist in the morning, so I'll swing by and pick Chris up for a little outing.  Maybe we can grab some lunch before I take her back.  On the way home I have to stop by Sam's.  It's dinner on the grounds week at Seaside Sunday, so we need some supplies.  And we need some toilet paper and kitchen garbage bags.  Sometime in the next few days I have to wash some clothes.  And the dogs almost need food.  And home group meets here tomorrow night.  That means I need to clean house at least a little bit.  Hope I can remember Chris' routine so I don't leave anything out.    


Oh, and about the tuna fish.  That's what Chris' Mom said about her supper.  She tasted it and said she wouldn't eat the tuna fish because it was too loud.  I didn't say anything.  Just looked at Chris.  But her Dad cracked up.  Said he never heard of loud tuna fish before.  She said he could have it.  So he did.  He said, "That was the best loud tuna fish I ever ate."


Psalms 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."


Father, thank you for hearing me when I complained about needing rest.  Amen.

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