Sunday, October 6, 2024

October 6 - “Tough luck”

Well, I called to complain to Home Depot once again. We saw on their website that the same fridge we ordered was now available for delivery on the 19th instead of the 21st (our currently scheduled time). I simply asked to be switched to that day. Sounds reasonable and relatively simple, right?  

Nope. No changing the delivery schedule once it has been set. Unless of course it is to push the date further back. Oh, but they did say that there is an outside chance they could come earlier (tossing me a bone here). If so, they will call 24 hours in advance to let me know. Meanwhile, don’t call us, we’ll call you. So in a nutshell … Tough luck. 

After a call like that, we had to add a walk back in to our schedule. We made our two miles and hopefully burned off some non-refrigerated frustrations. 

Back home we began chatting about our next adventures. Road trips and cruises. Every possibility from Boston to Canada to Minnesota to Astros Spring Training to North and South Carolina (whenever they get back open again). 50th anniversary year-long celebration … starting soon. 

As we chatted about places to go, I got a text from a friend at church. She had been reading in the blog about how busy we have been. To remedy that a bit, she offered us a free couple of hours over at a Moody Gardens pyramid. Great chance to relax and just be together (and watch otters and search for sloths). We couldn’t find the sloth, and the otters were napping on the sand, but we had a really great time. Thanks, Helen!

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭24‬ says, Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Father, bless Helen for her caring heart and creative approach to touching us where we needed it. Amen. 

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