Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 3 - “Shaggy hippies”

We had a great phone chat with Josh yesterday. Kind of threw us at first. He usually calls on Friday. But hey … we’ll take the connection any day. 

Next we had to hustle to get to our hair cut appointment. We had them back to back this time. I can’t remember the last time I had one. And Chris was longer ago than me. We must have looked like some shaggy hippies. As it turned out, we had to wait a bit for our barber /stylist to arrive. No problem there, though. She’s worth the wait. 

In the afternoon we made a quick trip over to Walmart (where else?).  Just needed some key groceries. Read here: bananas, grapes, candy corn. You know … all the healthy stuff. We also filled the car up with gas. Gotta stay ready, right?

Oh. Yes. We did watch the Astros loss to the best manager in baseball. Ouch. Go Tigers! Sigh. Wait til next year. 

Hebrews 11:1 ~ Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Father, be with Josh. Always great to hear from him. Amen. 

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