Friday, October 4, 2024

October 4 - “What? Again!”

We went back out to do some more work at Sam’s old house. Chris attacked one of the bathrooms. She finished. I started in one of the bedrooms - the one with the file cabinets. I got maybe halfway. Working slowly, but going through the paperwork I find as I go. 

After we got cleaned up and had a bite to eat, we were getting ready to head into Texas for our next round of stuff. But then I got a text from Home Depot. I excitedly opened it, assuming it would be the notification of our delivery window on Saturday. Finally we would get the refrigerator we have been waiting for since July. 

And …… nope. It was a notification all right. Notification that the delivery date had been changed to October 21st!  Yet another postponement. I called to complain, but all they could say was that it was on back order. So what’s up out there? Why is it so difficult to get a black refrigerator to Galveston? You would think there had been a hurricane in the east or some kind of dock worker strike or something. 

We did make it into Texas. We checked on Sam’s League City property, then headed over to the reason for our trek … Mardel’s. I was getting dangerously low on birthday and anniversary cards. They are the only place nearby that carries Christian-themed boxes of cards. Got em. Check. 

Finally, we went over to the LaMarque Vaughan’s house. Great supper - corn dogs and Mac and cheese. We also gave Noa and Ezra and Josiah a ride to their karate class. Mom and dad went to the Galveston Urban Ministries fund raising gala. 

Romans 8:24-25 ~ For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Father, please work out this fridge situation. Amen. 

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