Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 16 - “Funny groceries”

We did something a little different to start our day. We walked two miles. It has been forever, it seems. Too much else going on - “different kinds” of workouts. We did get to chat with our neighbor for a while. Been a minute or two since we have done that as well. 

In the afternoon we ran a few errands. First stop was the bank. Had to get a paper notarized. Got to wave a hello to our new neighbor I met last time I was in. Also got to check in with the bank manager (she was the notary). I first met her way back when she started as a lowly teller. Great lady. Always helpful and cheery. 

From there we went downtown to the lawyer’s office. Had to drop off said notarized document. 

Next stop was Academy. I had a coupon for $10 off a purchase of at least $10. Sadly, my purchase only came to $9.99. The computer wouldn’t accept the coupon. So I was forced to add a king sized KitKat bar to the tally. Yep. I know. It’s a racket. 

And finally … drumroll please … we went to Walmart. I know. Where else? This time it was for some serious groceries. Hmm. As opposed to funny groceries? What would be funny groceries, anyway? 

Speaking of funny groceries … here’s my outrageously healthy supper last night. Well, first, I have to say I had a salad for lunch. That counts for something.  So. Supper. How about Gringos chips, 

French onion dip, sweet tea, and a certain Kit Kat bar?

Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬ says, The Lord is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.

Father, thank you that we are able to get serious - and funny - groceries. Amen. 

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