Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 28 – “Yep. The Covid"

I guess the biggest news around here is that Kel’s wife Christina has tested positive for Covid.  Yep.  The Covid.  She is waiting to talk with her doctor about what steps to take next.  Kel is, of course quarantining with her for the required days (or whatever the time limit is now).  Their older three kids have all had it, so they are pretty much going about their business - school.  Noa and Ezra both seem fine so far, but they are quarantining as well.  We are all watching with bated breath (always wanted to use that phrase in a real sentence.  It means to hold your breath in anticipation, in case you were wondering).  So, please pray …


Speaking of prayer … I had a phone call last night from a young lady who was one of the earliest members of a Seaside youth group.  She just found out she may have an adrenal tumor that is causing her all sorts of calamitous symptoms.  She asked the church to be praying for her.  Could you also add Amber to your prayer list?


As far as our day yesterday …

Three miler in the morning.

Started working on the sermon for Sunday.  My turn again.

Chris finished the puzzle of the wolves within a wolf within a border with several individual puzzle pieces shaped like wolves.  One of the strangest we have ever done.  I liked it a lot.

We spent a good hour online trying to get some banking stuff set up.

You know … typical day.


Nothing typical about last night though.  I woke up at 3:15 a.m. – sneezing, of all things.  Couldn’t stop.  I grabbed my pillow and headed out of the bedroom as fast as I could to keep from keeping Chris awake.  The fit finally stopped, but I was wide awake until sometime after 4.  The thunder woke me up this morning.  We’re supposed to have a boatload of rain the rest of the week.  Here we go …


Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


Father, please be with Christina and with Amber.  Please bring healing to both of them, and keep them in your protection and presence while they walk through scary times.  Grant them both your peace.  Amen.

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