Friday, September 24, 2021

September 24 – “R.I.P.”

Yesterday included a work morning for me.  I studied through the sermon for Sunday.  Made sure it was transferred to my iPad and got a print copy of it as a back-up.  You never can be too sure of this whole technology thing.  I also compiled all the notes and handouts and books from the interim pastor training seminar I attended.  Oh, and I write my one-page book review that the teacher asked for.  I’m still not sure if he was serious or not, but I did it anyway.  That whole training seminar experience was different for me.  Just about everyone else there required a governing body of his or her discipline to certify them.  Hence the need for continuing education hours.  Although this particular group has granted me the certification, I don’t need it for my job as chaplain with the fire department.  There are no requirements for continuing education for me, either.  Maybe sometime in the future I’ll have time to write some up for whoever the next guy will be.


We left the house around noon to attend a funeral in Northwest Houston.  Sam came over and rode with us, since she also knew the guy who died.  Rob Hutchinson was a former Seasider from years ago.  He was instrumental in getting what is now our retreat center building literally off the ground.  He acted as our general contractor through the whole process, and he did a whole lot of the work himself.  Several other Seasiders past and present were part of the ceremony.  Dennis, Robert, and Steve all acted as pall bearers.


The funeral started at two on the far side of Houston, so the ride home was a little dicey traffic-wise.  As usual, Chris handled it with style.  We made it home in plenty of time for home group.  In fact we even had time to swing by Little Caesar’s and pick up a pizza.  Chris added a salad, so we had fine Italian dining before Bible study.  Hey … that counts as a date, doesn’t it?


Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well.”


Father, please be with Barbara and the rest of the Hutchinson family as they walk through their time of grief.  Grant them your peace.  Amen.

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