Monday, September 13, 2021

September 13 – “The winds and the waves”

Well, that was unexpected.  We had at least 103 people for church yesterday.  Could have bee a little more.  We were pulling out chairs from both directions to meet the demand.  Where did they all come from?  Well, of course ultimately from God.  Kel prayed the same prayer I pray every week – that God would draw the people he knows will need to hear that particular message.  Why did Kel pray that specifically for yesterday?  Probably because he was starting a sermon series from the Book of Ecclesiastes.  And the first lesson if on how futile everything about life is.  Of course the reason we have to acknowledge that is so we will be drawn to look above what is all around us for the answers.  He did a great job.  And by the way, Kel, I had several people stop me after church to say that the sermon was specifically designed for them.  It was exactly what they needed to hear.  There is no better word of encouragement for a preacher.  Thanks for listening to God, Kel.


Right after church Chris and I left for San Antonio.  We were signed up for a Chaplaincy Training Event.  Chaplains and their wives came from all over Texas and Virginia (no idea why Virginia??).  They are stationed all over the world as chaplains in hospitals, armed forces, and first responder services. 

The meeting last night was a worship service.  They sang several choruses that were really pretty, but I had never heard them before.  As the singing progressed, I got a call from the Jamaica Beach emergency hot line.  It was warning residents about the impending effects of Tropical Storm Nicholas.  High tides, lots of rain and strong winds are expected.  It was the usual warning message before any storm comes near Galveston.  But this time we weren’t at home.  We were four hours away.  Not evacuated.  Just gone.  It was a bit disconcerting.  But as I closed my phone and glanced up to see the words of the new chorus, I was kind of slapped in the face a bit by the Lord.  The words on the screen?  “The waves and the winds still know His name.”  Yep.  They do.  They do.


Matthew 8:27 says, “The men were amazed and asked, ‘What kind of man is this?  Even the winds and waves obey him!’”


Father, thank you for that quiet message meant just for me last night.  Amen.

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