Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 19 – “A bit of hurricane remediation”

Yesterday was a longer day than most.  At least it seemed like it.  We had a big impromptu post-hurricane workday at church.  The idea was to get as much done in repairing the damage done by good ol’ Hurricane Whatever It’s Name Was.  And I have to say up front that the crew that was able to come did an amazing job.  First off, a big thank you to our landscaping company.  They went above and beyond the call of duty and picked up all the debris that was on the property.  I think I have all the other names.  If I missed you … God didn’t.  He saw your work and will bless you for it.  Lauren, Cathy, Chris, Bob and Amber, Kel and Christina and Jachin and Micah and Josiah and Noa and Ezra, Svein and Sheila and Sam, Corey and Janell and Brennan, Brent, Marc.  Our resident sign guy Gary is going to come check out the sign and give us some ideas on what might be a good new one.  Jim is going to check out all the electrical connections and ballasts and all those other electrician kinds of words. 


These guys did all sorts of work.  Brent, Svein, Sam, and Bob (with help from the kids) replaced ceiling tiles out the wazoo.  Lots of them were drenched from rain blowing into the roof vents (The tiles, not the people).  Painting was going on in one of the bunkrooms by Christina and Lauren.  Marc replaced the trim that was blown off and the air conditioning drip line that fell.  Corey and Janell and Brennan pulled up the rapidly encroaching vines near the air conditioners outside.  I know, that’s not technically storm-related, but it was a lot of really hard work.  Bob and Amber swept and mopped the worship center.  Cathy and Chris did general cleaning.  In fact they cleaned the bathrooms … several times.  And Kel even got the WiFi renamed and re-established our password after it was knocked off line. 


I know we had a group of tired folks by the end of the day.  Thank you all so much for all the help.  You are amazing.  I am really proud of you all.


Psalms 119:114 says, “You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.”


Father, please bless those folks who worked so hard yesterday.  Grant them rest and the satisfaction of a job well done.  Amen.

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