Wednesday, June 16, 2021

June 16 – “Missed the cutoff”

We went to water exercise class again yesterday.  Different teacher.  Well, actually it was the same teacher we had back several years ago when we first were in the class.  What is she known for?  Aerobics.  She keeps things moving along, and everything she does is designed to keep your heart rate up.  It was a really good workout.  Except I came home with water in my ear.  Very annoying.  I sloshed around with that action in my head all day.  It finally came out sometime as I slept.


The rest of the day I spent at my desk.  Computer and phone and back again.  I was trying to track down addresses for the anniversary mailout.  So far I have around 200.  And that doesn’t include the dignitaries.  It has been fun feeling that sense of anticipation after I send out the message, and then reconnecting with people who respond. 


We both had to complete the online child abuse training required of all sponsors who attend camp.  We did it two years ago, and the certification is good for two years.  So why again?  We missed the cutoff by30 days.  So there we were, one at a time, watching a 30 minute video and answering a 25 question quiz afterwards.  And top ease your worry … we passed.  We printed out the certificate and they are supposed to send one to the “organization sponsoring the activity.”  Guess we’re finally good to go.


Well, that would be legally.  Interspersed in my day was also a smattering of children’s camp stuff as well.  That’s the focus of today’s plan.  I have to develop three Bible studies for the kids and come up with a visual verse for them.  It’s gonna be a long rest of the week.


Romans 8:26 says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”


Father, please be with me here as I prepare these Bible studies.  Use them to touch the kids on their level with your truth.  Amen.

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