Sunday, August 9, 2020

August 9 – “Alone … together”

It was back to the beach for a morning of frolicking and leaping amidst the waves.  Our little surfers were back on track, especially Luke.  Caleb did especially well this time, too.  Another activity continued as well.  On Friday Zak volunteered to be buried in the sand.  He sat cross-legged in a hole and all the others – even AnnaGrace – piled on the sand.  Then yesterday Micah took his turn, but the surprise participant of the even had to be Ezra.  He bravely took his turn in the hole and was buried up to his knees.  He seemed to be having great fun.


We had a fish fry at lunch.  We did eat the few we caught on Friday, but the feast was really courtesy of a few people.  First was Mr. Bob at church who provided the fish fillets.  We did have just enough, Mr. Bob.  Thank you for your help there.  Then Nathan stepped in and provided a huge batch of shrimp and some fresh green beans (and his expertise in the kitchen).  And finally, fresh from the garden of Ed and Lauren, we had a batch of okra.  We fried everything.  Well, except for some baked beans Chris heated up.  Fried fish, fried shrimp, fried okra, fried green beans.  How much healthier can we be? 


After lunch the “Family Camp” portion of Cousins Camp officially ended.  Josh and Christi and Luke and AnnaGrace headed back to Waco.  Something about their church wanting the pastor to be there on Sunday morning.  Guess I can understand that.  Things didn’t slow down around here, though.  The afternoon video games session was loud and crazy as usual.  I was in the other room for much of it, but Josiah and Zak could be heard over on the mainland, I’m pretty sure.  The girls spent some time in the kitchen.  The grand result of their efforts were some really tasty cupcakes. 


We watched a few episodes of a new-found show on Netflix.  This one was recommended by Micah and the LaMarque gang.  Something about hearing about it from an uncle.  It had to be good if an uncle recommended it.  The show was called Alone.  It was just one of those crazy reality TV things, but we found ourselves rooting for our personal favorites.  Great fun.  Alone … together.  Good picture of what is going on in our Corona-world right now.


After a pizza run for supper (that means I did the running, so I don’t know what happened while I was gone), everyone began to settle in for popcorn and the traditional movie.  I picked this one.  Found it at WalMart last week.  Four Kids and It.  Creepy-cute little creature who gave out a wish a day.  One of those “watch what you wish for, it may come true” stories.  It was also just … fun.   Finally everyone retired to their respective sleeping spots and began to drift off.  Caleb and I were the last to go.  He just couldn’t get to sleep.  I was making sure Chris didn’t get out of bed a hundred times to check on everyone.  She was having back issues.  Earlier she even took a little tumble while trying to step through the huddled mass of grandchildren on the floor.  She narrowly avoided a direct hit landing on top of Cailyn, but the twisting to stay out of said path really hurt.  She dutifully took her medicine, and with me holding on whenever she heard any tiny noise and wanted to jump up and check on it, she managed to get to sleep.  Whew. 


1 Timothy 1:2 says, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst.”


Father, I ask you to ease Chris’ pain today.  She won’t slow down until the kiddos are all gone, so give her the energy she needs to have fun while they are here.  And help them to do that.  The kids … to have fun.  That’s what this weekend is all about, anyway.  Amen.

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