Thursday, August 20, 2020

August 20 – “A madcap romantic adventure”

We went on one of our madcap romantic adventures yesterday.  We decided that instead of walking around the block, we would find someplace new and different to go.  So we jumped in the car and headed … drumroll here … Academy.  Yep.  I know that’s a real stretch into the unknown, but we were determined to take that dangerous leap.  We strapped on our respective required masks and walked inside.  Actually the primary purpose of this little jaunt, aside from the romantical being together and all, was to get Chris some new shoes.  Her walking shoes have a big hole in them.  Together we managed to find just the right size.  And as a bonus, they were on clearance.  Brand new shoes for around thirty bucks.  Nice. 


Next we made our grocery stop at WalMart.  Can’t do a Romance Run without going to WalMart.  That’s where we picked up the groceries we needed for the rest of the week.  But the romance never stops.  We still had one more stop on our list.  Office Depot.  I had a message from our printer that we were almost out of toner again.  Running the copies for church every week is really taking its toll.  It was with great fear and trepidation that I entered this place.  Chris stayed behind in the car to protect the groceries (AKA keep the air conditioner running).  My fear was almost well-founded, too.  They had one more box of 64XL toner.  And that section wasn’t alone in its loneliness.  The shelves were almost completely bare, with little signs encouraging me to order online and have it shipped to your house.  I scooped up the last, lonely little box and headed for the checkout center, eager to return to my romantic escapade. 


Later in the afternoon we topped off the day-long decadence of deep romanticism with none other than a Hallmark movie.  It was … typical.  We guessed the ending by the time of the first commercial.  But I have to report that when I typed in this little tidbit on my phone’s notepad so I wouldn’t forget its monumental significance to our day of romance, something odd happened.  The Spell Check Patrol attacked with a vengeance.  The word “Hallmark” was changed to “y’all ark.”  Hmm.  Perhaps it was a nod to our (hence the plural “y’all”) six months spent cooped up together in the “ark” of each other’s presence.  Yep.  That’s it.  Like I said … Romance all the way around.


Hebrews 1:3 says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.”


Father, thank you for the romance overload.  I wouldn’t want to experience it with anyone else.  Amen.

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