Thursday, September 16, 2021

September 16 – “Wonderful … a deadline”

Class started out at 8 a.m. again.  Scheduled to last until noon.  Interesting, since the hotel checkout time was noon as well.  We got all packed up and ready to go the night before.  Even had time to take a load to the car right after breakfast.  As it turned out, Chris was done by 11.  Our guy went almost to the bitter end.  He finally let us go around 11:50. Just enough time to gather up the rest of our stuff and turn in the keys. 


We headed immediately over to Cracker Barrel for some lunch before hitting the road.  It took us a while to find a place to park.  Not a good sign for a quick lunch.  Once inside we signed in and were told it would be about a fifteen minute wait.  But we managed to be patient while browsing the array of goodies in the store part.  Always fun to browse the nostalgia section for remnants of a long-ago childhood.  It took around ten minutes for them to call us back, and we made our orders.  No chicken livers anymore.  They are officially off the menu – a directive from Cracker Barrel Corporate.  Sad.  I had the meatloaf special.  Chris had chicken pot pie.  The whole lunch experience was a little over an hour.  Not exactly fast food.


I may or may not have crashed for the first leg of our journey.  Chris said I was snoring.  I was actually reading.  I think she was hearing road noise instead.  I woke up just before we stopped at Bucees.  Potty break, of course. 


On the way home I got a report call on the storm situation at Seaside.  Lauren had gone to the church to check things out.  Downstairs it looks like we had water under the doors.  Nothing else to speak of inside.  Outside was another story.  Several pieces of trim were down.  The big cross on the side of the building was down.  What looks like pieces of a gutter are strewn about the ground as well.  The worst part is our sign.  Well, what was our sign.  It is completely demolished.  Pieces of it were all over the property, adding to the other debris from nearby homes. 


Upstairs looks like we had some damage from blowing wind.  Came in through the roof vents and settled on the ceiling tiles.  That means most of them will need to be replaced.  Lots of carpet is wet as well up there.  Lauren has fans blowing to dry that out, and dehumidifiers are at the ready.  If anybody gets this report, we are having a church workday on Saturday around 9 a.m. to clean up debris and replace tiles.  See you there. 


Oh, and why wouldn’t you be seeing this report?  Because our internet and cable and house phone are all out.  I called in the issue and a repair guy is scheduled to come out Monday.  Great.  Maybe I can get our neighbors to let me use their internet in the meantime.  Oh, and we made another discovery when we got here.  I went to move the truck out of the driveway – and out of harm’s way from the large broken tree branch hovering precariously above it.  Aaaaaannnnddd … the truck wouldn’t start.  Battery is not completely dead.  Just not enough juice to get it started.  Now we’ll have to push it out into the street to a position where we can jump it off the car.  Or at least get it parked in the street so we can get that errant branch lopped off.  The city will be doing trash pickup from storm debris … on Sunday.  Wonderful … a deadline.  Just what we needed …


Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever os right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”


Father, thank you for our safe trip back home.  Please help us get everything back in order soon.  Amen.

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