Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 9 – “Double feature”

One thing about living on a tropical island … you have to do yard work almost year round.  I know.  Galveston is not “officially” a tropical island, and we really do have a stretch of maybe three months where we don’t have to do yard work, but it does feel kind of strange to be mowing the yard when the temperature is in the fifties.  In the midst of my complaining, however, I must hasten to say that if I have to be doing yard work, it is sure a lot more comfortable when the temperature is cooler and the humidity is less that ninety percent.  I edged the front and back, too.  Oh, and I edged the sidewalk all the way through the empty lot next door.  I just want folks (read here grandchildren) to be able to walk (or ride scooters or run or chase errant baseballs) through there without dodging stickerburs all along the way.    That meant I also did a bit of trimming of the oleander again.  Sorry, Betty Head.  She the super oleander woman on the island.  Also happens to be Mom’s best friend.  Chris also gave me permission to clean out the flower bed in the front yard.  Why did I need permission?  Well, I’m never sure what time of year you are supposed to do stuff like that.  As far as I’m concerned, this falls into the same category as fishing.  The best time to do it is when you can.  And so it is done.  And so I am about as sore as I have been since I started exercising at water therapy.  Does feel kind of good, though, in an ex-athlete, sense of accomplishment kind of way.

Around four thirty our overnight guests arrived.  Kel and Christina did a date night, so all their boys stayed with us.  Not Noa, though.  She stayed with Mama in case she got hungry.  The plan for the evening?  At one point Chris and Micah were playing Connect Four.  Jachin was poring over the WalMart Christmas circular (yes, it is already out).  Josiah and I were watching a movie – The Ice Age.  Well, he was watching it.  I was actively dozing on the couch next to him.  Hmm.  I just thought about that.  I slept through The Ice Age.  Chuckle here.  It’s not exactly a cartoon, so I lasted longer than normal, but animation combined with extreme tiredness is a recipe for dreamland for this old dude.  We ended up watching a double feature.  When the boys all got ready for bed we watched another animation classic.  I think it was called Bee Story.  I did a little better staying awake for that one.  Interesting premise.  Bee meets a human (female, of course.  It’s all part of the attempt to appeal to all ages).  Human teaches bee about the ways of her world.  Bee discovers horrifying world of honey manufacturing.  Bee sues the world of humans for stealing all their honey.  Will he win his case?  What will happen if he does?  Will he be forced to sting someone along the way?  And if he does, will he really die?  Too many questions to answer.  Besides, I don’t want to spoil it for you if haven’t seen it.  Ice Age.  Bee Story.  I think I’ve had my quota of animation for the next decade or so.  I’m ready for something different … Ender’s Game … Hobbit 2 … Thor …  Hunger Games 2 …

Psalms 119:4-5 says, “You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.  Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!”

Father, thank you for all of our young ones.  Guide them as they discover and learn to obey your precepts.  Amen.

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